
Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – a vaccine injury

By July 26, 2018September 24th, 2019No Comments

Multiple Sclerosis
Today there is increasing interest in that the use of medical cannabis for treating everything from cancer to menstrual cramps along with migraine headaches. Individuals who would not be caught dead using cannabis are now intrigued in medical cannabis because it might have the ability to save their lives. Medical experts worldwide used cannabis for millennia to treat any number of ailments. Contemporary medication men are begrudgingly beginning to admit medical cannabis can aid in the cure and treatment of several ailments. Marijuana, or more correctly Cannabis Sativa, has been used because of its medical properties for over 5, 000 years.

In the 28th Century B.C. The Chinese Emperor Shen Nung prescribed cannabis for gout, beriberi, constipation, female weakness rheumatism and malaria among other ailments. In 2, 000 B.C. Physicians in Egypt were prescribing cannabis for eye problems. In India in 1, 000 B.C. Cannabis has been used as an anesthesia along with an anti phlegmatic along with Hoa Tho, a 2nd Century A.D. Chinese doctor is reported to used cannabis as an analgesic during surgery. Today in many portions of India and particularly in Ayer Vedas medicine cannabis is utilized to treat a broad range of ailments. Additionally, it is used as a stimulant, an analgesic, an anti hemorrhoidal and an antispasmodic.

One might infer cannabis is just utilized in high-income countries without a knowledge of contemporary medical practices, But one will be wrong. Napoleon’s military used it to cure burns, as a stimulant and as a pain reliever. In the US in 1961 that the National Institute of Mental Health did a study that suggested cannabis may be utilized for epilepsy, baby convulsions, therapy of tetanus, convulsions of rabies, therapy of depression, as a stimulant and hypnotic in relieving nervousness and has antibiotic properties. Today physicians prescribe medical cannabis to arouse the appetite of AIDS patients, cure glaucoma and multiple sclerosis and decrease nausea for cancer sufferers.

The British House of Lords at a 2001 report said cannabis may be used to treat migraine headaches, asthma, schizophrenia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and general pain. Doctors also acknowledge it might help to treat high blood pressure level. There’s a major movement, especially in California, to make medical cannabis readily available to patients through medical cannabis stores. California medical cannabis dispensaries and medical cannabis clinics, many of that are run by medical cannabis collectives and cannabis physicians, seek to make medical cannabis available to sufferers with medical weed cards that legally allow them to receive medical cannabis strains to treat a wide range of illnesses. Medical cannabis is really becoming a herb for that the healing of that the country. Canna Medbox being a drug delivery system is that the most legally compliant and cost efficient way to obtain your medicine.

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